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3 reasons why you need a driver checker

Drivers are an essential component that keeps your computer working so they need to be updated regularly. That's because a driver lets your computer talk to connected devices making them function properly. There are many devices you know that you personally rely on daily and these could be a keyboard, mouse, webcam, or some other device you interact with regularly.

There are also devices that you wouldn't think about too often (unless something goes wrong) like your graphics card. All of your devices are connected by drivers so when anything goes wrong it's often a communication problem and not necessarily the hardware itself. That's good news because you can fix this relatively easily by updating the drivers to get things working properly again. 

Drivers are actually software so the manufacturers of different devices update them when they need to make fixes or enhancements or remove bugs or security flaws. If you don't have the latest driver software then it's likely you'll start to notice problems with your computer. It will either stop talking to a specific device completely or start lagging or being non-responsive.

Recent analysis by Microsoft found that 70% of all blue screens and PC crashes are caused by device drivers.

Benefits of having a driver checker

If you have a nifty driver checker tool like the one included in CCleaner Professional, it will check for any missing updates for you and some of them will even update drivers automatically!

Here are 3 reasons why driver update software will help you:

  1. Reduced crashes and bugs - this will help you get things done faster and without annoying lag time or staring at your blank or frozen screen. There's nothing more frustrating than when you're in the middle of a Zoom call with a friend or typing an epically long email and your computer decides to switch off or restart. 
  2. Improved sound and visuals - you can experience more enjoyment listening to music, watching videos, and playing games thanks to vibrant visuals, more responsive video, and excellent sound quality.
  3. Maximizing performance of PC hardware - you could get faster response times for hardware like your mouse and internal components like your video card. This all works toward saving time by not having to wait for your computer to respond. 

There are other advantages of having a driver check tool like helping you browse faster and possibly closing out any connection issues. It will also save you from having to manually check for driver updates. Let's face it, who's got time to check for new drivers each week or month? There are plenty of other fun things to do, and usually, we don't have enough time as it is.

What's the best driver updater?

Driver update software is becoming more commonplace as a must-have home computer tool. Of course, there are always the tech aficionados who stay on top of all the new gadgets and goodies that come out and would have been using one for some time now. For most people, it's likely the first time you've heard of the concept. 

A good driver updater will be able to locate any old drivers you have and update them for you with a click or two of a button. It will also have a large database of drivers so it can update as many as possible. Of course, it has to be easy to use too, otherwise, why get a tool to help? 

We have a great driver updater software tool that we're really proud of. It has more than 25 million drivers it can connect to, is easy to use, and comes with other great features too. That's because we bundled it into our CCleaner Professional package. This means you can update drivers, clean up valuable space, run a PC health check, and keep your online privacy secure all at the same time. 

We'd love you to test it and see how hard it can work for you. If you'd like to try it, you can trial it for 14 days at no cost. We won't ask you to enter any card details either so it's obligation-free. Imagine how many drivers it can update for you and what that might mean for your machine?


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